
Process of Submission

Articles and reviews should be submitted by e-mail at (please do not send the files in the .pdf format). The submission should contain the author’s (authors’) full name(s), affiliation(s), postal and e-mail addresses on the cover page, and be compiled in the following order: title page, abstract (max 500 characters including spaces), key-words, main text, acknowledgments (if applicable), appendix (if applicable), and references. The alphabetically-ordered list of references should be supplied at the end of the manuscript. Obtaining permission for any quoted and reprinted materials remains the responsibility of the author(s).


Authors should follow the Harvard Reference System (Harvard Reference examples) and carefully check their manuscript before submission.


Copyright of the article published in the Journal of Gender and Power is retained by the authors with first publication rights granted to the journal.

Publication frequency

Three issues per year will be published, both in print and on-line (as a .pdf file).

Blind Peer Review Process

Journal of Gender and Power is a peer-reviewed journal. All submissions are reviewed initially by the editors. The submissions that meet the scientific and journal’s editorial standards are sent out for external reviews. Journal of Gender and Power adheres to the rigorous double-blind reviewing, hence every article will be reviewed by two peer reviewers. The selected reviewers, who are of international reputation and authority, are not the members of the editorial board and are not employed in the institution issuing the journal. To ensure a fair review, articles are never sent out to the reviewers from the authors’ institution. Based on recommendations of the reviewers as well as consultation between the editorial board members, Editor-in-Chief decides whether the paper is published.

Peer-review form


The list of reviewers is published in the journal and posted on the journal’s website annually.

Should any questions arise, please contact the Editor-in-Chief and/or the Editorial Assistant at